ACWW Action Resolutions from Conference in Malaysia 2023

1. Resolution :

              Establishment of Rural Women's Employment Action Plan.

Mover: Rural Women New Zealand

              " That ACWW urge all governments to address the particular needs of rural women by working with representative groups to establish, implement and regularly monitor a Rural Women's Employment Action Plan which ensures access to training and education, fair, equitable and safe employment practices, working conditions and remuneration; access to resources such as finance, materials, technology and land/property and; including but not limited to advice on career, business and entrepreneurship."

2. Resolution:

              Addressing Food Waste

Mover: National Association for Family and Community Education, USA

              " Be it resolved that ACWW facilitate both action and advocacy on the issue of food waste, recognizing that food waste occurs throughout the global food chain and that coordinated action is required to mitigate food loss and wastage at every stage."

3. Resolution:

              Rural Gender Impact Analysis

Mover: Rural Women New Zealand

              "That the Associated Country Women of the World urge Governments to apply both a Rural Impact Analysis and Gender Impact Analysis when considering plans, policies and programmes to ensure the intersectionality of being women and living rurally are taken in to account in order to reduce the adverse impact of proposed plans, policies and programmes on rural communities."

Marie Kenny, Trustee and Canada Area President

British Columbia Women's Institute

Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow.

The BCWI is an educational organization for women and families since 1897, and active in BC since 1909.

The ACWW Flag Flies to the Arctic


The Willows