The BCWI Forensic Nursing Bursary Update!!

The BCWI Forensic Nursing Bursary(BCWI-FNB) is a success due to the fund-raising and donations from our membership.  Thanks for helping this project stay alive and well!  To date we have raised over $18,000.00 for the BCWI-FNB. 

It costs approximately $1,000.00 to take one Forensic Nurse Examiner education course at BCIT.  Two courses are required to complete the training and receive a certificate to work as a Forensic Nurse Examiner (FNE).  To date 9 applicants received the Bursary in it’s first year.  These individuals live throughout our Province. 

This September marks the beginning of our 2nd year offering the BCWI Forensic Nursing Bursary.  Every 6 months the BCWI Board reviews how the Bursary is functioning and tweaks and updates are done to help improve the Bursary process.

The BCWI membership continues to raise funds throughout the year for the BCWI Forensic Nursing Bursary.  The Board wants to continue to encourage fundraising, with a special focus on fundraising annually, for the whole Month of May, as the 2nd week in May is National Nursing Week. 

Last month our BCWI Board decided to open the application process up to the Canadian Forensic Health Corporation and the International Association of Forensic Nurses.  SANE training is equivalent to FNE training.  These additional SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) training programs are accredited and recognized by all the Health Authorities throughout BC.

Our Bursary recipients will soon be sending us their one year follow-up letters.  And, I have been invited to share our success with the Federated Women’s Institute of Canada, Resolutions Committee.  Perhaps our Provincial Project will eventually go National - that’s a great vision. 

Thank-you to the BCWI Board for this unique opportunity.  Thanks again to you, our membership - it’s your hard work and dedication that helped us get this project up, running, and on a  solid foundation.  Your continued support in our endeavour is much appreciated.

For Home and Country, Kimberly Rorstrom-Wittig, BCWI VP

British Columbia Women's Institute

Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow.

The BCWI is an educational organization for women and families since 1897, and active in BC since 1909.



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