May is Nurses Month!!

Ladies, Branches and Districts,

I’m shouting out to remind everyone that May is Nurse’s Month. Let’s get out there and make some noise.

A Walk a Thon to support our nurses, by fundraising money for our WI Forensic Nursing Bursary.

This can be done by a group of people, an individual etc. All you need is a pledge sheet and sponsors who will pay for each kilometer made in May.

You can run, walk, bike, wheelchair or just walk around the house, whatever works for you.

Turn your pledges into your branches at the end of May. The branch will send the total amount collected to the BCWI Provincial Office, this will help keep our bursary going.

We have had great success so far. We have sponsored nurses from Vancouver to Quesnel, and out to Terrace. Let’s keep it going.

Nickels for Nurses is another way to help with fundraising. Just collect nickels at your meet-ings the same as you would collect pennies for friendship. Send your money raised in at the end of every month to the BCWI Provincial Office. Let’s make many hands work for our WI Forensic Nursing Bursary.

Thanks for your support, Vicki Hess, Fundraising/Grants BCWI Director

British Columbia Women's Institute

Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow.

The BCWI is an educational organization for women and families since 1897, and active in BC since 1909.

A Born Crusader


Introduction to Forensic Nursing