BCWI Kindness Initiative

Smile and Connect

We, the BCWI, are spreading kindness throughout our communities. Simple acts of kindness can have far reaching implications for those that initiate them to those that receive them. Smiling at someone, not only feels good, but it shows that we value each other and that we are all human beings that need to connect on some level. Real change in our society can be simple and small acts of kindness to each other can be the building blocks to bigger things.

Kindness Facts

Did you know that engaging in acts of Kindness actually produces endorphins? Endorphins are the happy hormone, and kind people not only have on average 23% less stress but also live longer.

Studies have shown that having a strong support network of friends and family reduces depression and mortality by 45%, whereas eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies reduces it roughly by 28%.

Of course having a healthy lifestyle is important but our mental health is often overlooked in favour of the newest diet, or vitamin or super food that promise us longevity benefits. While volunteering and investing in kindness boost us in ways that we are only really beginning to understand but that far surpass any other. 

Our mental well being is far more important to our happiness than any thing else. And what can we do that is simple and effective in our everyday lives? BE KIND

Kindness Actions

  • By engaging in everyday acts kindness, not only will you be making someone else feel good but you will also make yourself feel good

  • Open the door for someone, buy someone a coffee, pick up litter, walk around your community, talk to strangers, buy local, take your dog or your neighbours for a walk, feed a stray animal, anything that gives you a sense of well being

  • Finding a purpose in life, it can be as simple as practicing random acts of kindness everyday, to fighting for a cause you believe in. Studies have shown that having a purpose cuts down dramatically on the risk of Alzheimers disease because it keeps us engaged and changes how the brain functions.

  • We actually re wire our brains when we start changing our thought patterns to reach out in more friendly, compassionate ways

Let’s be kind, to ourselves and others in our communities!

British Columbia Women's Institute

Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow.

The BCWI is an educational organization for women and families since 1897, and active in BC since 1909.


Sourdough Bread Recipe


What Country Women are Doing - 1933