BC Women's Institute

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Quick WI Fun Raiser

Laurie Boonstra at Quilting Fund Raiser Our branch decided that they would try running a quilting workshop to raise funds as well and entice new members. On Oct 15th, 2011, 8 women assembled at our local Round Lake Hall. Everyone toted in their sewing machines and quilting supplies for the first of what we think will be many quilting workshops!


Learning How

We began with a discussion about how we would put the quilt together. Before we started  cutting I gave a lesson on using a rotary cutter for those who where finding it a hair raising experience.  With a little encouragement everybody was ready to start cutting and we were on our way!We laid out the fabric and began cutting strips(the hair raising part) and stacking the fat quarters.

Everyone Helped

Some of our participants hadn't made a quilt for decades. Some were just learning. Our branch members, those not quilting, provided a lovely luncheon, tea and coffee throughout the day. Everyone was well fed!

Reaching Our Goal

We came close to our fund raising goal and didn’t gain any new members but  we had such a good time we’re planning on more workshops in the New Year.

 Nola Weston

What We Learned

-Advertise well in advance, so people can plan weeks ahead.-Keep track of what’s going on in your community for the date you pick.-Be prepared with BCWI brochures, a receipt book for instant membership sign up at the workshop.-Invite all members of any other branch in your local area, so sharing and having fun outside of formal district or branch meetings can happen.Carli Heinrich is the guest post  and is  a member of Quick WI. She is a professional quilter, loves working with recycled fabrics and any quilting that is planet friendly!  Learn more about her quilting at  www.goodearthquilting.blogspot.com